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Call for Papers – TAELS 7th Int. Conference

    The Tunisian Association for English Language Studies (TAELS) organizes its 7th International Conference on: “Memory and Imagination”  March 07-08, 2022  Hammamet or Sousse (TBD) – Tunisia CALL FOR PAPERS Memory studies have brought about fundamental knowledge on the importance of memory in a variety of disciplines. With a view to gaining further insights into theCall for Papers – TAELS 7th Int. Conference

    Joint event with the University of Batna 2

      TAELS joint event with the University of Batna 2, Algeria, on the Line of inquiry in research and the signing of the convention between the University of Gabes and the university of Batna 2

      Launch Ceremony

        The Tunisian Association For English Language Studies (TAELS) was launched in December 2014. Following was the programme of the day: The launch ceremony was preceeded by a conference on “OnText Analysis“ Below are some photos… Launch Ceremony